What is a reading like?
I will always ask if you have been to a medium before as readings and the way mediums work can vary. I then explain that I’ve tuned into the spirit world beforehand and connected with my spirit guide, Mark. I explain that I have opened up with God’s love and protection and only invited loved ones into the protected area. I will explain that I will first tune in psychically into my energy to see what that is currently like then extend it to your energy. From this I will tune into your life psychically to see if there are any areas in your life that may have issues that the spirits can give guidance for. I then will ask if any family members or friends who have crossed over would like to come forward and communicate. As well as providing validation, they may even offer advice to the issues that were identified in the psychic reading. As always, I do advise that life is always free choice and you can ignore any advice given. It can be quite emotional speaking with a loved one who has crossed over. Mixed emotions are normally felt – happy to a loved one has come through but sad as they are no longer here on Earth. That’s why I want accurate validation it really is your loved one that has come through. Obviously, it can be uplifting too, as you will have had the chance to speak with your loved ones again. HOW DO I KNOW IT'S NOT A SCAM?
Unlike other services, psychic mediumship deals the things 'unseen' so it's hard to tell if a psychic medium is genuine, a scammer, or just having an off reading. A scammer will be vague with their validations, giving vague details about your loved one and vague details about your life. They might 'cold' read you. They may ask lots of questions about yourself and your loves ones in spirit. A medium that is just having an off reading will be able to get some accurate information but the connections made with the spirits will not be as strong as usual. If this happens with me, I will not charge for that reading and will offer to re-arrnage for another day or offer a full refund. What if my loved one doesn’t come through?
If in the rare case your loved ones don't come through, then I will offer to reschedule the reading or offer a full refund. Occasionally the specific loved one you'd like to come through, doesn't. This could be for many reasons both of this world or the spirit world:
The spirit will have their reasons why they don’t want to come through. These could include:
This doesn't necessarily mean that no loved ones will come through. Other family members may do so. How do I know it’s my loved one?
I will tune into the spirit realm and ask for any of the recipient’s loved ones in spirit to come forward. I will pass on to the recipient as much information as possible to confirm and validate that the spirits who come forward are indeed who they say they are and are the loved ones of the recipient. I'll describe what they look like, what their personality is, specific details of their life on Earth, specific details about the recipient's life that I could not know, to give validation that it really is their loved one there with us. The more accurate the better. Can I ask for a specific person to come through?
Yes! In fact, the more you think of the specific person ahead of the reading the more chance they will come through. Spirits tune into loved one's thoughts and feelings and will try to come through if they know a person speciifically would like to speak with them. Even if you have thought of them beforehand, they sometimes still might not come through. This can be frustrating as mediumship isn't an exact science. You can always ask me that you’d like to a specific loved one to come through at any time during a reading. All I will need is there first name. Do I have a spirit guide?
Yes! Everyone does. They are here to help gudie us and take an active roll in our lives. My guide, Mark, guides me during my spiritual connections and guided me towards doing this so I can help people connect with their loved ones in the spirit world. You can tune into your spirit guide too. Spend five or ten minutes a day when it's quiet and clear your mind so you are only thinking of your spirit guide. Ask for them to come to you and ask who they are. After several days you may sense someone is near to you or you may hear them answer you through your won thoughts. If you cultivate this, you can ask them for their spiritual guidance. Remember, they are there to help you and protect you so they will only give you positive and sound advice. How and why did my loved one cross over?
This is always a difficult question to ask and to answer. For some, the details of how they crossed over are not always clear. Once a connection is made, I will try and gain as much detailed and accurate information as possible. I have found that some spirits would rather not speak about their crossing despite their loved one wanting to know. In these situations we must respect the spirit’s wishes. That doesn’t mean they won’t ever talk about it but in this particular reading they weren’t ready. As to why did they cross over, again this isn’t always as straight froward. The spirit may not actually know why as it hasn’t been revealed to them or they do know but again, would rather not talk about it. Part of my job as a medium is to ask these questions but be respectful of the answers that are given. Is my loved one okay?
This is one of the most asked questions and for obvious reasons, especially if a loved one has crossed over in traumatic circumstances such as a heart attack, suicide or an accident. Loved ones in the spirit world want to let their loved ones in this world know they are okay. From my many readings over the years I have found that healing is always offered to anyone that crosses over and spirit can come through to me in various stages of this healing. It’s always a free choice for them to receive healing and some can refuse healing. This can be difficult to hear from our point of view, but there can be lots of reasons why a spirit will refuse healing. It could be from guilt and they feel they don’t deserve healing. It could be because they’re only just crossed over and are unsure about what is happening on the other side. Or it could be they have received partial healing and they require more and needs to be given on several session. By tuning in and asking and sensing how their health is, I will pass this onto their loved one for reassurance and peace of mind. On a number of occasions during readings, the spirit has asked their spirit guides for healing and healing occurs there and then. This has been a very uplifting and comforting experience for both loved ones in this world and in the spirit world. Is there an afterlife?
I believe there is. Having had spiritual contact for as long as I can remember and giving hundreds of readings over the years with confirmed, validated information, has lead me to have no choice but to believe. I have always questioned it as far back as to when I was a child and constantly questioned it until I had gave more and more readings where the descriptions of loved ones in spirit world, the messages, the predictions, and the informations I received and passed on became too numerous to have any doubt. But obviously, I’m not the only one who can tune in or have had some kind of spiritual experience. Thousands of cases around the world have been documented from all different people in different areas of life. Plus thousands of books on the subject have been written explaining peoples research and study into the spirit world and the paranormal. Whilst I could tell you about the various readings that give evidence of the afterlife or show you the many testimonials I have received from people who have had a reading with myself, the only way people truly believe is to have an experience themselves. But not just one experience but many. This way a body of evidence is experienced. A good place to start is to have an open mind and start researching the subject. It’s a wide and varied topic, from spiritual mediumship to psychic guidance, to spiritual healing, to reincarnation, and it can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why I’ve put together a booklist on my website of books I recommend that I’ve read and found very helpful to my spiritual journey. What if there’s unresolved issues with my loved one?
This can be very difficult for the person to face and can be the main reason for a person to have a reading. They are seeking answers that they didn’t have before their loved one crossed over. Like any issues between people, it has to be a two-way conversation, and whilst there is no guarantee their loved one will want to resolve the issue, I will still ask and try to find out as much information as possible in the hope a resolution can be found. Because spirits are in the spirit realm, they have a better understanding of spiritual growth, and this could persuade them that taking through issues is beneficial for all involved. I have had countless readings where the recipient was surprised their loved one in the spirit world wanted to resolve past Earthbound issues. In these cases, both the recipient and the spirit feel a sense of relief and closure. Is there a cancellation fee?
No! There is no cancellation fee. Payment is at the same time as when you book. On the rare occasion the loved one you’d like to speak with doesn’t come through, then I will offer to reschedule the reading or offer a full refund. Can my friend sit in with me?
Yes! Absolutely! Having a spiritual reading can be emotional so a friend to support you can be very comforting. Spirits will not say anything to me that you would not like me (or your friend), to know. Can readings be done on video call?
Yes, I use Facebook Messenger, What’s App or Skype. I will contact you to see what's easier for you. Group bookings are also available via video call too. How do I book?
Simply click on the 'BooK Now' button or tab, pick a service, day and a the time that is available and pay online. I can also accept payment on the day for in-person readings.
I'll receive a booking confirmation e-mail and look forward to meeting you and your loved ones in spirit. Should I believe everything in the reading?
I would advise to only believe when you feel enough accurate information has come through and you are sure it is your loved one that is in communication. But like all things, it’s purely up to you whether you want to follow any advice that is given. It’s all free choice. Should I record the reading?
Yes, absolutely record the session. Most people use the Record app on their phones but I also have a recorder that I can use if you'd rather. I will email you the file afterwards. The good thing about recording the session is you can listen back to it weeks later. Sometimes messages not make sense in the reading but they can do weeks, months or even years later. What do I really want from a reading?
It's worth thinking about exactly who you would like from the reading beforehand. Some people would like spiritual guidence with areas of their life such as finances, relationships, careers, and family and friends. In this case the focus of the reading wll be psychic with minimun contact with the spirits directly. Whereas other people would love to speak with their loved ones who have crossed over. Some because their loved one crossed over in traumatic circumstances such as heart attack, suicide, or an accident. While others, it could be from natural causes such as old age. Whatever the situation, most people will have a clear idea what they want from the reading. So if you know, it is worth mentioning at the start of the session. But don’t worry if you are unsure, once the session begins it can soon become clear as the spirits seem to know more than we do! How does a psychic medium ‘tune in’ to the spirit world?
There are different ways mediums tune in. For me, it's like a form of meditation. I calm my thoughts and body and focus on a white light in my mind's eye. This should bring my frequency levels to a higher point, whilst the spirits lower their frequencies and ours meet at some point. Once 'open' with God's love and protection, I will invite your loved ones to come forward into the protected area to communicate with myself and my spirit guide, Mark. Does my mood or energy effect the reading?
Spiritual connections relies on energy and frequencies. So any energy in the room will have an effect, both positively and negatively. It is recommanded that you have an open mind, and as positive attitude as possible. But don’t worry if, you’re loved one doesn’t come through, it isn’t necessarily because of energy levels. It’s very rare that a person who comes to a reading is the reason why a spirit doesn’t come through. On the rare occasion you loved one doesn’t come through, for whatever reason, I will offer to reschedule the reading or offer a full refund. Why do seemingly trivial messages come through?
Having seemingly trivial messages come through, like, “You drive a red car”, “You have a dog”, “You go jogging in the mornings” may seem like a waste of time, especially if they seem irrelevant at the time but it is crucial to establish that the connection with the spirit that is telling me this, is actually your loved one. So any information, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant, is very good in establishing validation of spiritual communication. We want as much accurate, detailed information as possible. That way, when more important messages comes through to do with your life, you can rest assured it is your loved one who is passing on these messages. Should I prepare questions to ask the medium in advance?
It's purely up to you. Some people prefer to do so, some people don't. If there are burning questions you'd like to ask, it's probably a good idea to write them down. There is always time for you to ask your loved ones questions. After all, I'm just the vessel for the conversation between you and your loved one. What’s the difference between a psychic and a medium?
Mediumship is communication with your loved one's spirits whereas psychic guidance is tuning into your energy and tuning into any issues and problems in your life you would ike spiritual guidance for. How can a psychic mediums predict the future?
With psychice guidance, I will tune into your energy and tune into any issues in your life. With my help and guidance of my spirit guide and your spirit guides, answers and glimpses of the possible futures can be passed on. Also, your loved ones may also come through to help too. As far as I understand, all time happens at the same time, so the past, present and future are all happening at the same time. This means the spirits have a unique insight into all aspects of time, including the future. Generally speaking, predictions for up to 6 or 7 months are typical. Is the reading confidential?
Yes, absolutely. I may discuss certain details for educational and marketing purposes but never reveal names. Have a different question? Contact me!
"I found Ken to be very professional and sincere. The information that came through seemed very strong."
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